National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立台灣美術館。2016年4月30日下午10:00 · 台中市 · 【再生運動-數位時代的科技反思 ~ 105/05/22】 轉動手搖發電裝置,讓光投射在太陽能板上,光與震動將影響植物的生長。在聲光轉換中,能量也在不同形式間流動。透過震動式喇叭將盆栽變成共鳴箱,音色則受到盆栽狀態(水量、密度等)的影響。本作品再現能量轉換的過程,裝置成為有機的音樂介面,反映周圍環境的擾動,也讓觀眾藉由不同能量形式的流動與知覺回饋,在空間、聲響與感知的交互關係中,從不同角度體驗習以為常的物理現象。… 更多 The plants’ growth influenced by the light and vibration created with hand-cranked generator and solar panels. Energy flows among different forms during sound and light transformation; potted plants become resonance boxes with vibration speakers, and the tones of the sounds vary with the conditions such as the amount of water or density. This work reproduces the process of energy transformation. The installation becomes an organic audio interface that reflects disturbances in the environment conditions; when viewers experience the physical phenomena from a different perspective and challenge the existing rules that have already been standardized. 紀柏豪CHI Po-Hao
〈聲伏效應〉Photovoltaic Effect
power generating device, solar panel, vibration speaker, audio device, mixed media
尺寸依展出場地而異dimensions variable