National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年5月7日下午9:54 · 【再生運動-數位時代的科技反思 ~ 105/05/22】… 更多 毛利悠子的作品總是圍繞著如何在「自然」與「非自然」之間,找出新的關係。這件裝置作品中利用已喪失原本功效的廢棄物,結合一些科技元素,配合展覽空間特性,如重力、濕度、亮度及控器流動方向等元素擺放。每一件作品因裝置空間不同而有所差異,讓展覽空間自成一種獨特生態系統。「自然」和「非自然」之間的關連,透過錯誤、機會、歷經時間而生的衰敗,產生可說是維持舊有但同時並存新穎的關係。 Yuko Mohri’s works often based on finding new relationships between “nature” and “un-nature”. This installation work utilizing anonymous junks that finished their original roles and technology, and placed carefully matching the distinctive feature of the exhibition space, such as gravity, humidity, brightness and darkness, and wind direction. Each work looks differently depending on the space and makes the exhibition space an unique ecosystem. It formed a connection between “nature” and “un-nature” that coexists old and new relationship that derived from errors, chances, and piles of degradation over time, 毛利悠子Yuko MOHRI
〈城市採礦─海〉Urban Mining – Sea
路燈、罐子、路燈模型、壓縮罐、舊電線street light, can, street light models, compressed cans, used cables
326.2 × 1600 × 375.6 cm