National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年3月28日下午6:24 · 【再生運動-數位時代的科技反思 ~ 105/05/22】… 更多 〈再作用媒體〉這一系列多媒體裝置,(再)利用了各種「廢棄」的電子裝置,藉由駭入、錯用、組合等方式,構築成一件錯綜複雜的大型元素合體,這些元素之間存在著不同的共生關係,以不同形態彼此「互動」。作品具有複雜而不穩定的本質,不嘗試回應科技廢棄物、淘汰計畫、永續設計策略等議題,而是實驗探索所謂「已淘汰」的電子數位媒體與科技,以及人類、科技、消費的關係,兩者之間未被挑戰的可能性。 ReFunct Media is a series of multimedia installations that (re)uses numerous “obsolete” electronic devices. Those devices are hacked, misused and combined into a large and complex chain of elements that they “interact” in different symbiotic relationships such as mutualism, parasitism and commensalism. This unstable work isn’t proposing answers to the questions raised by e-waste, planned obsolescence and sustainable design strategies, but experiments and explores unchallenged possibilities of “obsolete” electronic and digital media technologies and our relationship with technologies and consumption. 班哲明‧高隆、亥斯‧吉思克斯、卡爾‧科隆布、湯姆‧威布魯根 Benjamin Gaulon, Gijs Gieskes, Karl Klomp, Tom Verbruggen,
〈再作用媒體〉ReFunct Media
廢棄綜合媒材obsolete mixed media
700 × 100 cm
藝術家自藏 Courtesy of the artists.