國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年2月19日上午2:19 · 歡迎使用悠遊卡扣款入場參觀!
Use EASYCARD to visit the National Palace Museum (exclusively for Northern Branch)!
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•悠遊卡一經感應扣款即無法辦理退票。 •本院並未提供悠遊卡儲值服務,請於到館前完成儲值。 •餘額不足時請改用信用卡或現金。 •出館時請在出口處請管理人員加蓋手背戳章,當日憑戳章可免費參觀至善園。
•Refunds cannot be made once payment is deducted from your EasyCard by scanning over a sensor.
•EasyCard recharge services are not available in the National Palace Museum. Please recharge before coming to the museum.
•Please switch to cash or credit card when your EasyCard has insufficient remaining funds.
•Upon exiting, please remember to have your hand stamped if you wish to return for the day or visit Zhishan Garden on the same day.