【創業大冒險】B2MC Taiwan 2019 初輪入選名單公佈🎉 12家國外團隊及8家臺灣團隊,這些頂尖團隊將在5月底Taiwan bootcamp爭奪10名參加Boston bootcamp的機會! 沒入選也別氣餒,持續關注B2MC Taiwan,將提供新創更多實現夢想的空間與機會🤝 🕵B2MC Taiwan Program→http://more.masschallenge.org/taiwan
🕵… 更多想看初輪審核入圍名單→https://ppt.cc/f8WeSx
🕵請Follow us給我們個讚→https://www.facebook.com/B2MCTaiwan/ 此計畫由經濟部中小企業處指導,資育股份有限公司、比翼資本、財團法人生物技術開發中心共同推動。若有任何更動,皆以B2MC Taiwan官方FB公告為準。 B2MC Taiwan 2019 Top 20 has been announced🎉 Congratulations to the top 20 startup teams of Bridge to MassChallenge Taiwan (B2MC Taiwan) 2019 There are totally 12 teams from all over the world and 8 Taiwanese teams. They will compete again during B2MC Taiwan boot camp. Only the top 10 startup teams who have been selected at the end of May will continue to participate in the Boston boot camp. Please continue following B2MC Taiwan for more opportunities.
🕵B2MC Taiwan Program→http://more.masschallenge.org/taiwan
🕵Top 20 selected list →https://ppt.cc/f8WeSx
🕵Follow us on Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/B2MCTaiwan/