國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年1月13日上午9:45 · 董其昌是明代後期的藝壇領袖,也是啟迪後世無數書畫家的一代宗師,他的書畫作品與理論都深具啟發與創造性,以「妙在能合,神在能離」為追求境界。
Dong Qichang was… 更多 not only the leader of art circles in the late Ming dynasty but also a master of his generation who later inspired countless painters and calligraphers. Both his theories and works of art were quite innovative, the realm to which he aspired in tradition called “marvelous at synthesis, divine at departure.”
【明 董其昌 葑涇訪古圖】 陳列室:208
Synthesis and Departure in Tradition: Painting, Calligraphy, and Dong Qichang (1555-1636)
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