【政策簡單說】泰祭出租稅優惠,企業齊南行 想去泰國發展的廠商有福囉~~📣📣
根據行業別分為6類,釋出不同 #租稅優惠 待遇。
泰國投資促進委員會(BOI)資料(英文):https://pse.is/GE392 今年經濟部中小企業處也將持續與泰方密切合作🤗
為 #中小企業 開創另一片天,期待吧~各位!… 更多 Thai Government🇹🇭 planned 7-year Investment Promotion Strategy to provide enterprises of 6 categories with different tax incentives. For more detail, please check the link from
BOI (The Board of Investment of Thailand): https://pse.is/GE392 This Year, Taiwan and Thailand will be in tight cooperation🤗 and bring more opportunities. #臺商in泰國