張宏陸, 新北市。 37,048 個讚 · 1,400 人正在談論這個。板橋西區立法委員 | 張宏陸 代表一種改革,一種希望、一股力量。 讓我們一起共同來關心板橋大小事,一起改變未來,點亮台灣。
【小英總統登上美國眾議院外交委員會官方臉書👍】 美國眾議院外交委員會(U.S House Committee on Foreign Affairs)官方臉書,在昨天發布一則歡迎小英總統訪美的貼文,文中用「台灣總統」Taiwan President 稱呼小英喔!真是太感動啦!😍😍😍
這無疑是台灣在外交上努力的成果,向世界證明台灣是國際上不可或缺的一員! 趕緊分享這喜訊給你的親朋好友吧~
#繼續拚 #繼續做
#… 更多讓世界看到台灣 🎉就讓宏陸來幫大家翻譯一下嘍(應該比GOOGLE翻得好) "Last week Chairman Eliot Engel welcomed Taiwan President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen to NYC.
上週,外交委員會主席Eliot Engel歡迎台灣總統蔡英文訪問紐約市。 "Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and indispensable partner in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. #Taiwan shares the values the U.S. cherishes the most: democracy, humanrights and freedom." 台灣是印太區域一個充滿活力且不可缺少的民主夥伴。台灣與美國共享了珍貴的價值:民主、人權及自由。 Over the years, China has attempted to weaken Taiwan’s standing in the world. That’s why Chairman… 更多
分享 House Foreign Affairs Committee
Last week Chairman Eliot Engel welcomed Taiwan President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen to NYC. "Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and indispensable partner in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. #Taiwan shares the values the… 更多 U.S. cherishes the most: democracy, #humanrights and freedom." -Chairman Engel. Over the years, China has attempted to weaken Taiwan’s standing in the world. That’s why Chairman Engel and Ranking Member Michael McCaul introduced and the House passed 2 measures to reaffirm America’s strong commitment to Taiwan and support the Taiwan Relations Act. American support for Taiwan and the deep friendship between our peoples has always been and will always be unwavering. The people of Taiwan will always have a friend in the U.S. Congress.