僑務委員會 OCAC, 台北市。 101,914 個讚 · 5,706 人正在談論這個 · 1,412 個打卡次。僑胞是國家的資產及國力的延伸,是與我們流著相同的血液,有著同樣信念與夢想的家人。80多年前為了凝聚如此珍貴的情感並服務海內外的僑胞,僑務委員會誕生了。
In a Radio Taiwan International Interview OCAC Minister Chen Previews Overseas Chinese Affairs Work in 2015 OCAC Minister Steven S.K. Chen described his thoughts and feelings after meeting face to face with… 更多 overseas compatriots in 45 overseas Chinese communities in 25 countries on six continents and the implementation of various tasks, talking in detail about the most groundbreaking overseas Chinese student policy of last year. Minister Chen emphasized that the biggest challenge facing overseas Chinese affairs work is changing the attitude. Not only competing in terms of service, OCAC has also changed the way of doing things to keep up with the times, making good use of digital technology to provide excellent service to overseas Chinese. Overseas compatriots, regardless of party affiliation, standpoint and ideology, are all willing to strive to "Turn Overseas compatriot influence into national power," playing their part in making Taiwan better. The OCAC will continue to make every effort to serve as a bridge between overseas compatriots and Taiwan.


透視大僑社─104年2月16日 再過兩天就是農曆除夕了,行政院僑務委員會委員長陳士魁特別接受「透視大僑社」節目的專訪。除了向全球僑胞以及中央廣播電台的聽眾朋友賀年之外,也回顧了2014年僑務工作成果以及展望2015年僑委會的重點工作與挑戰。