National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年2月8日下午6:13 · 【夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展 ~2016/3/6】「未來預言」 唐代長安附近的藍田縣以產玉著名,在下水採玉的時節,地下蘊藏的良玉生煙,如李商隱〈錦瑟〉詩中的「藍田日暖玉生煙」描寫的「可望而不可及」的幻境。藝術家由此隱喻年輕人面對未來擁有美好想像,同時也帶著幾分迷網,在自我觀照下一點一滴的建構出心中的想望。 In Tang Dynasty, Lantian County near Changan was… 更多 famous for its jade; when the jade was excavated from river streams, the foggy smoke would arise from the soil, resembling the scene described in Lee Shang-Ying’s poem Jin Se: “On Indigo Mountain, in the warm sun, jade engenders smoke”, illustrating an fantastical scenery that “can only be seen but can’t be touched.” This artwork borrows form this poetic conception and makes an analogy for young people’s visions for a great future while also feeling bewildered, but through self-reflection, this aspiring vision can be gradually constructed. 藍田 Lantian
陳珮怡 CHEN Pei-Yi
絹本膠彩 Gouache on silk
127.5 x 192.5 cm