National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展 ~2016/3/6】「未來預言」
人們對於遊樂的想望,使旋轉木馬成為一個啓幕的舞臺,群眾們彼此的駐足觀看,於眼神交集的瞬間引起了對多方關係的好奇,也在人們心中留下期待的景象。這是一幕關於多重事件即將發生的開端場景,隱含著關於社會型態、生存機制與角色身份的相互指涉。透過聚集,光、迴旋、動物們,似乎在預告著人們將進入一個社群文化重新編碼的時代。 As a crowd of… 更多 spectators gathers, curiosity for the multidirectional connection is sparked as their eyes meet, with an anticipated scenery also imprinted in the people’s minds. People’s imaginations for amusement have transformed the carousel into an opening stage. This is an opening scene where multiple incidents are about to unfold, and embedded within are metaphors for social ecologies, survival mechanisms, and role playing. Through the gathering and with lighting, rotation, and animals, the artwork seems to be predicting that mankind is about to enter into an era with recoded social culture. 編碼者 – 第一幕 Transcoder - Act One
黃建樺 HUANG Chien-Hua
數位操控影像:數位攝影、金屬相紙、無酸鋁版裱褙 Photo manipulation: digital photography, metal glossy photo paper, acid-free paper and aluminum plate
110 x 216 x 3.5 cm