National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年1月27日下午7:45 · 【夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展 ~2016/3/6】「現實與去現實」… 更多 〈血流不止的紀念公園〉以東方園林為藍本,將臺灣當前之事件與景物,如Photoshop般經由選取、去背、仿製、剪貼等轉化重新鋪植於作品中。並嘗試捨棄傳統描繪山水之技法所呈現的質感與體感,改以圖章化、扁平化的表現手法,摹寫現今都市中以公園造景、建案廣告、變電箱彩繪等各式化身現身的「山水」,並藉由扁平的山水符號映照現實生活中單薄浮濫、過眼即忘的「山水」,與視之為理所當然的各式荒謬與暴力。 Endlessly Bleeding Memorial Park is based on an Asian landscape blueprint, with incidents, settings, and objects happening in Taiwan “photoshopped” with their backdrops removed, replicated, cut and pasted and then placed back into the artwork. Traditional Chinese landscape techniques are abandoned and replaced by stamping and flattening, to mimic various “landscapes” that we see in public parks, development advertisements, and paintings on electrical boxes in Taiwan’s urban settings. This work is composed of flattened landscape semiotics and attempts to reflect on the forgettable “landscape” that we see in life and also the different forms of absurdity and violence that we often see and have grown customary and aloof to. 顏妤庭 YEN Yu-Ting
血流不止的紀念公園 Endlessly Bleeding Memorial Park
礦物顏料、雲龍紙 Mineral pigments on Yunlong paper
170 x 225 cm