【財經補給讚】細說獨角獸2018 IPO的悲喜劇 根據Crunchbase資料顯示,去年共48家獨角獸企業上市
獨角獸魅力值得我們拭目以待😏 🔽點選以下連結瞭解獨角獸們的表現吧!
http://bit.ly/Findit_DNA 【2018 Unicorn Startup Statistics】… 更多
In 2000, SoftBank made its most successful investment ever
– $20 million to a Chinese startup Alibaba. Last year, there were 48 unicorn company exited through an IPO.
The market performance of unicorn startups was great,
and it is worth our attention. 🔽for more information, please visit
http://bit.ly/Findit_DNA #unicorn