SOS 地球展示系統 - 中央氣象局。 2,461 個讚 · 1 人正在談論這個。『地球展示系統』是一套創新的球型顯示系統。英文名稱為『Science On a Sphere』簡稱 SOS,擁有包含大氣、陸地、海洋、天文及數值模擬等題材,利用3D投影呈現全新的4D視覺效果。
新增內容[Fossil Fuel: CO2 Release - 2011-2012]:
Datasets | Science On a Sphere
This dataset shows the result of emitting carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning into the atmosphere over two years. A computer model of the atmosphere called TM5 was used to create this powerful visualization. TM5 simulates the movement of atmospheric gases globally, using winds and atmospheric mi…