National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 和 Diewox Diewox Diewox 及其他 2 人。2016年1月11日下午6:20 · 【夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展 ~2016/3/6】「失落與游移」
藝術家將電影膠片一秒二十四格的概念轉化,變成慢動作循環的機械影像。一個在定點變化的緩慢影像,由從不同角度反射進來的光線構成,透過小房子的門窗可以看到外面或房子裡的細部。在旋轉的多重角度下,卻是以極其專注的方式來觀看周遭。來自鏡子的影像總是當下且虛擬的,是立即變動又與現實並存的世界。 The mechanical image cycling at… 更多 slow motion is based on the concept of film negative with 24 frames in a second, with mirror reflected images that are illusive, coming from a world that is changing constantly yet also exists in parallel with the real world. Looking in from the small house is an image slowly changing while being fixed on a particular spot, by lights coming in from different angles, with details outside the window and inside the house presented. Within the revolving multiple angles, the way of seeing is a rather concentrated approach that takes in the surrounding from all angles.
戴翰泓 TAI Han-Hong
二十四格的世界The World in 24 Frames
木、鏡、機械裝置 Wood, mirrors, mechanical appliance
185 x 110 x 110 cm