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✅科學數據舉証方式進行業務推廣 🎯獲得臺中市政府創業加速器計畫輔導資源與朝陽科技大學RICH創業基金計畫投資… 更多
🎯參與國外工業設計產品競賽(德國-IF、Red Dot,美國-IDEAS,日本-Good Design) #讓新創圓夢網創業顧問與您一起面對創業疑難雜症 【startup highlight】Condensing Energy Technology Co. Ltd. owned the patents of “solar power supply device” and “shelving structure”, and has strong ability. Through the guidance of our entrepreneurship consulting service team, Condensing Energy Technology Co. Ltd., Taiwan invisible champion, establish the industry value.
✅ Marketing strategy ❌ business management ❌ international market and other three major aspects for resource restructuring and layout.
✅ Promoted business with scientific data
Let our entrepreneurship consulting service team work with you to solve all the entrepreneurial difficulties. #聚光能源科技股份有限公司
#馬上辦服務中心 0800-056476
#新創圓夢網 sme.moeasmea.gov.tw
#創業諮詢服務專線 0800-589168