【數位臺灣書院】 「蚵仔煎」遍佈全臺灣各大小夜市,是臺灣最具代表性的夜市美食之一,還曾經當選夜市最愛小吃排行榜第一名呢!
You can find oyster omelet in every night markets in Taiwan. It's one of the most symbolic street food in Taiwan, and has even won the Top 1 favorite night market food before! 根據地區的不同,蚵仔煎的風味也不太一樣,有的會加豆芽菜,有的則是加小白菜,甚至在醬料上也有所差異呢!
Different regions also has its own different flavors of oyster… 更多 omelet. Some add in bean sprouts, some comes with bok choy; even the sauce itself has regional difference. 下次到夜市時,不妨點一份蚵仔煎細細品嚐,看看自己最愛哪種風味的蚵仔煎吧!
Next time you are in the night market, why not order oyster omelet yourself and see which flavors suit you the best! 你想知道蚵仔煎的美味秘訣嗎?快來看看數位臺灣書院的介紹吧! Do you want to learn the secret ingredient of delicious oyster omelet? Come check the introduction at Taiwan Academy! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/delicacies_detail/168