National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館──和 Diewox Diewox Diewox 。2015年10月16日 · 【2015亞洲藝術雙年展 9/19-12/6】 〈歷史課第二堂〉用木雕呈現被抹除或是具爭議性的歷史事件。觀者藉由閱讀刻陳舊的學校課桌上的內容上課,也可用鉛筆與紙拓印雕刻。藉由用對東南亞住民別具意義的木雕技藝所鑿刻的故事,喚起對村鎮風貌的記憶、推動在地認同,有禮但毫不迴避地對泰國現代政治史上的緊張關係提出疑問。教室是一個吸收國家認可的意識形態的空間;而將拓印圖像從雕刻移開的觀者則經歷了主動的批判性思考。 History… 更多 Class Part 2 uses wood-carving to represent erased or contentious historical events.
Viewers taking-in the lesson engraved by the artist on each desk, they can also use paper-pencil rubbings from the carvings. The choice of wood-carving to represent erased or contentious historical events is pivotal, the technique meaningful to all Southeast Asians in its revisiting of handmade carving practices associated with visual heritage throughout the region. Prompting identification via… 更多