National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年10月5日下午7:16 · 【2015亞洲藝術雙年展 9/19-12/6】
新加坡藝術家李文的〈乒乓成圓〉讓乒乓球桌以甜甜圈的形狀呈現,左右兩邊沒有邊界,內圈的選手和外圈的選手對打,帶來了更寬廣的新對話可能。作品本身看似一座雕塑,但在被使用時,它就成為運動或遊戲的構造。 Singaporean artist Lee Wen’s work Ping-Pong Go Round represent a doughtnut round shape… 更多 Ping-Pong table. There’s no borders towards the left and right side; while players play from inside to another player on the outside makes a different perception of the limitations of the preceding game gives new possibilities of a broader dialogue. This work looked like a sculpture by itself and yet when it is being played it becomes a structure for a sport or game. 李文 LEE Wen
〈乒乓成圓〉Ping-Pong Go Round
合板、乒乓球用具、複合媒材 plywood, table tennis paraphernalia, mixed media
75.5 × 640 (直徑diameter) cm
Courtesy of the artist