【數位臺灣書院】 臺北捷運營運超過15年,一直以來帶給人們舒適、便捷的大眾交通體驗。
Taipei MRT has been running for over 15 years. It has always been a comfortable and convenient public transportation experience. … 更多 隨著捷運路線的擴展,搭乘人次也逐漸上升。捷運班次間隔時間短是人們選擇搭乘的原因之一,不僅可以分散人潮,也可以讓人們不需要擔心誤點問題,非常便利。
Numbers of passengers has increased with the expansion of its route. The frequent schedule of the MRT train is one of the reasons why people choose the system; not only it divides the crowd, but also reduce the problem of delays. It's indeed very convenient. 想知道臺北捷運還有什麼特色嗎?快看看數位臺灣書院的介紹吧!
Do you want to know other things that distinguish Taipei MRT? Check out the introduction at Taiwan Academy! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/culture/