國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年8月26日上午2:17 · 在活絡的商業活動中,書籍版畫的構圖、紋樣與明、清兩代工藝品的創製是互相影響的。名家版畫常被用作竹雕、瓷器、漆器、文房硯墨等工藝品的圖飾,因此,從宮廷到民間,從內銷到外銷,工藝品上仍可見到版畫構圖與紋樣風格的影響力,使得版畫無形中成為涵養工藝市場的文化創意泉源,附圖這一件漆器的構圖便是參考康熙朝冷枚所繪的《耕織圖冊》而來。
Among goods available in the marketplace… 更多 mutual influences between book illustrations and handicraft products were also detected. Illustrations by famous artists were often adopted as decorative patterns on bamboo carvings, porcelains, lacquer wares, ink stones, and ink sticks. It was in this way that the influence of the composition of book illustrations had been extended to commodities of all sorts, whether they were made for the imperial court or for the masses, for domestic distribution or for export markets, making woodcut… 更多