國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum──在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2015年3月27日 · 台北市 · #清明上河圖 #清代
【清明上河圖–動漫版】目前正在102陳列室展出,歡迎您週末假期來欣賞!(每週五週六延長開館至晚上21:00;此外,週五週六 18:30 後,凡國人出示身份證件都可以免費入場)
古畫動漫:清院本清明上河圖 (陳列室:102)
Painting Anime:… 更多 Painting Anime 'Up the River During Qingming' (Gallery: 102)
‘Up the River During Qingming’
The Qing Court Artists, Qing dynasty
Handscroll, ink and color on silk, 35.6 × 1152.8 cm
"Up the River During Qingming" is a masterpiece of realistic genre painting, with many copies of it being done over the centuries. This version, a collaborative effort of five Qing court artists: Chen Mei, Sun Hu, Jin Kun,… 更多