國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2015年7月21日上午1:18 · 台北市 · 造型與美感–中國繪畫選粹【清 蔣廷錫 佛手寫生(局部)】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit: The Art and Aesthetics of Form: Selections from the History of Chinese Painting
【Finger Citron Tree Sketched from Life (part)】(Gallery: 210)… 更多
Jiang Tingxi (1669-1732), Qing dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk, 195.9 x 81.9 cm
Jiang Tingxi (style name Yangsun; sobriquets Youjun, Xigu), a native of Changshu in Jiangsu, was a Presented Scholar of 1703 and served to the post of Grand Academician at the Wenhua Palace. In… 更多