國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年7月20日上午2:57 · 阿爾卑斯皇冠:列支敦士登秘藏瑰寶展【藝術家探索奧地利阿爾卑斯山】
Special Exhibit: Crown of the Alps: Masterworks from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein
【Artists Exploring the Austrian Alps,… 更多 1819】Heinrich Reinhold (Gera 1788–1825 Rome)
日期(Dates):2015/04/17~2015/08/31 (daily, 09:00~17:00)
陳列室(Gallery):圖書文獻大樓特展區 Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
Artists Exploring the Austrian Alps was painted on the basis of a sketch he made on an excursion undertaken in 1818 together with several fellow-artists. It is hard to identify the exact location of the scene depicted here, but it might well be the area near Lake Bockhart. in particular Reinhold’s sketches and oil studies are striking for their high degree of individuality and autonomy.