國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年7月13日上午4:15 · 清代宮廷的古鏡收藏甚為豐富,為了整理這些豐富的收藏,乾隆皇帝敕編四套古銅器圖譜,合稱為「西清四鑑」,每書各收錄約百面銅鏡,可見其銅鏡之收藏規模。
皇帝的鏡子-【清 乾隆〈西清續鑑•乙編•第九冊〉鏡匣及雕刻木蓋】(陳列室:303)
Current… 更多 Exhibit: Reflections of the Emperor: The Collection and Culture of Mirrors at the Qing Court (Gallery: 303)
【Mirror Case Set Xiqing xujian yibian (Vol. 9)】
Length: 44.5 cm, width: 31.1 cm, height: 5 cm
【Carved Wood Mirror Cover with a Bird-and-Flower Painting by Xie Sui】
Diameter: 17.5 cm
Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign, 1735-1796
The inner leaf is decorated with light blue silk, the front cover page including a realistic painting of the bronze mirror… 更多