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【國際盛會】WCIT 2017在台灣,全球大咖聚台北! 睽違17年,#世界資訊科技大會(WCIT 2017)再度回到台灣,當年比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)、約翰錢伯斯(John Chambers)、卡莉•菲奧莉娜(Carly Fiorina)等人,都曾來台分享未來資通科技願景,猜猜看,這次又會有那些大咖現身台灣呢? 作為這次大會的東道主,國內目前已有 #鴻海、#台積電、#日月光、#趨勢、#光寶、#橙色數位 及 #台達電 等公司參與,經濟部希望接下來能有更多企業共襄盛舉,一起讓世界看見台灣~ WCIT 2017官網:http://www.wcit2017.org/
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WCIT 2017 - World Congress on Information Technology

First held in 1978, the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) has become the premier international IT forum. Bringing together over 2,500 visionaries, captains of industry, government leaders and academics from more than 80 countries, it is an event of unparalleled scope and scale. Discuss...