國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2015年7月9日上午2:26 · 台北市 · 喜愛中國傳統繪畫的朋友看過來!下週四(07/16),新一季中國繪畫選粹「造型與美感」將以全新展件和大家見面,敬請期待!
Coming Exhibit: The Art and Aesthetics of Form: Selections from the History of Chinese Painting
日期(Dates):2015/07/16~2015/09/25… 更多
展覽簡說(Brief description):
The history of Chinese painting can be compared to a symphony. The styles and traditions in figure, landscape, and bird-and-flower painting have formed themes that continue to blend to this day into a single piece of music. Painters through the ages have made up this "orchestra," composing and performing many movements and variations within this tradition.
Details: http://www.npm.gov.tw/en/Article.aspx?sNo=04006400