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The Hakka Tung Blossom Festival in Miaoli is coming! 桐花一直是許多人印象中的客家代表花卉,經典的客家花布上也總是滿滿盛開的桐花。
The Tung tree has always been the symbol of Hakka, one can also find them on the classic Hakka printed cloth. 客家桐花祭以雪白桐花為代表意象,展現客家傳統尊敬大自然的文化,並藉由油桐強韌的生命力,表現出客家人的硬頸精神。
The snow-white tung threes that blossom during the Festival represent… 更多 the nature harmony and the vigorous vitality both deeply rooted in the Hakka culture. 快到數位臺灣書院看看關於油桐花的介紹吧,找個晴朗的日子到苗栗欣賞無論綻放枝頭或是凋零都有獨特美感的桐花吧!
Come learn more about the tung blossom on Taiwan Academy, and make sure you find a sunny day to Maoli to appreciate the unique beauty, in full bloom or not, of the tung blossom. http://www.huayuw orld.org/learningchinese/video/tourism _detail/136