國寶級+難得展出+限展44天的〈谿山行旅圖〉即將登場!一定要來看!<br> 「典範與流傳-范寬及其傳派」特展,週三(7/1)和大家見面!<br> Coming Exhibit: Exemplar of Heritage: Fan Kuan and His Influence in Chinese Painting<br> 日期(Dates):2015/07/01~2015/09/29<br> 陳列室(Gallery):202、208、212… 更多<br> 展覽簡說(Brief description):<br> 范寬(約950-1031間)是北宋的山水畫大師,因個性溫厚,卓有大度,關中人習稱性緩為寬,故名。<br> 本次「典範與流傳」特展,共計陳列45件畫作。依作品性質,可劃分為「谿山行旅圖的傳續」、「范寬的傳稱作品」、「范寬畫風的影響」三類,系統地展示繼范寬之後,歷代畫家的同名摹作,其中〈谿山行旅圖〉與〈臨流獨坐圖〉因屬院藏限展精品,故分成前、後兩期展出,以饗觀眾。<br> Fan Kuan (ca. 950-ca. 1031), a master of landscape painting in the Northern Song period, had his ancestral home in Huayuan (modern Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province). Having the style name Zhongli (also reportedly named Zhongzheng with the style name Zhongli), he was… 更多