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【數位臺灣書院】 你最近看了什麼書呢?和大家分享一下吧!
What have you been reading lately? Share with us! 隨著智慧型手機的出現,搭乘公車、捷運時,看書打發時間的人變少了,越來越多人低頭盯著手機看,成為「低頭族」。
In this era of smartphones, there are less and less people reading during commute on buses or MRT. More and more people are becoming smartphone addicts, or so-called "phubbers".… 更多 即使如此,紙本書籍仍有不可取代的獨特魅力,悠閒的午後,一本書、一個人,非常放鬆心情呢!
Even so paper book still has its charm. What could be better than a book in your hand, relaxing in a lovely afternoon? 數位臺灣書院教你如何分享一本好書,並推薦給朋友,讓身旁的朋友不要再當「低頭族」!
Taiwan Academy tells you how to share and recommend a great book to your friends, and stop phubbing! 第四課 看一本書
Chapter Four: Read a book http://m edia.huayuw orld.org/interact/ebook/1000_w2/index_classList_0.html