國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年5月22日上午10:29 · 乾隆皇帝敕編四套古銅器圖譜,合稱為「西清四鑑」,每書各收錄約百面銅鏡,可見其銅鏡收藏規模更勝前人。銅鏡入鏡匣後會先覆以黃綾軟墊,再蓋以雕刻精美的木蓋。
皇帝的鏡子-【清 乾隆〈西清續鑑‧乙編‧第二十二冊〉鏡匣雕刻木蓋附賈全〈博古圖〉】(陳列室:303)
Current Exhibit: Reflections of the Emperor: The Collection and Culture of Mirrors… 更多 at the Qing Court
【Carved Wood Mirror Cover with Jia Quan’s Painting of “Antiquities” from the Mirror Case Set Xiqing xujian yibian (Vol. 22)】(Gallery: 303)
Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty
Diameter: 13.5 cm
The wood mirror cover here is carved with two sets of opposing beast-mask patterns integrated with… 更多