國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年5月21日上午9:43 · 這件杯身飾有乳丁紋和三角紋(右上小圖)的「勺」,實際的銅柄或許比目前所見更長,推測可能是這件器物殘斷以後,後人再以木柄補接的,因此原來勺柄的長度和曲直程度就不得而知了。
常設展特搜-【商後期 乳丁紋勺(斗)】 (陳列室:305)
Permanent Exhibit: Rituals Cast in Brilliance – Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages
【Ladle with… 更多 knob pattern】(Gallery: 305)
Late Shang dynasty (c. 13th to 11th century B.C.E.)
Height: 5 cm, Rim diameter: 4.9 cm
This ladle is tall and wide, the exterior decorated with a bead pattern and triangles in lines of low relief. The length of the handle to one side is twice the depth of the body, with a wooden tip added by the Qing court.