國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年5月17日上午2:42 · 難得一見的女性繪畫展展期只剩一個多月,這次特展遴選的明末清初女性畫家具有相當的代表性,她們的山水、人物、花卉、草蟲等畫作,無論工筆寫意或水墨設色、筆墨或構圖,莫不體現出女性走向公眾視線的卓然風姿。
毫素風采–明末清初的女性繪畫【明 邢慈靜 畫大士】(陳列室:212)
Current Exhibit: Elegant Images of the Brush: Women's Painting in the Late… 更多 Ming and Early Qing Period
【Bodhisattva】(Gallery: 212)
Xing Cijing (1573-after 1640), Ming dynasty
Hanging scroll, gold paint on blue paper, 55.2 x 22.2 cm
This special exhibition represents a selection of representative women painters from the late Ming and early Qing period. Spanning the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries, they include Ma Shouzhen (1548-1604), Xing Cijing (1573-after 1640), Zhao-Wen Chu (1595-1634), Huang Yuanjie (1614/20-before… 更多