金點概念設計獎徵件宣傳影片幕後團隊—簡訊設計<br> SimpleInfo Design, the team behind the quirky Golden Pin Concept Design Award call for entries video 金點概念設計獎徵件宣傳影片一開頭就以朗朗上口的「I have a design, I have no… 更多 money…」揭幕,生動可愛的動畫、幽默輕快的節奏有效地傳達獎項的徵件訊息,而這支影片的幕後團隊正是簡訊設計。<br> SimpleInfo Design probably got you singing "I have a design, I have no money" all day with their upbeat animation. 以資訊設計為核心概念,簡訊設計主要提供平面、插畫及動畫設計的服務,並擅長以圖文、懶人包的形式達到傳播與行銷目的。但大家更熟悉的或許是他們的社會回饋專頁—圖文不符透過資訊設計,用簡單易懂的方式將艱難的事傳播給大眾,在Facebook上已有將近14萬粉絲關注!<br> SimpleInfo Design is a design team based in Taiwan, with a speciality in information design using graphics and illustrations. They are best known for their works as “圖文不符” (pronounced "tu-wen-bu-fu"), a name under which they… 更多