國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988年6月26日開館營運,隸屬文化部,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館。 403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
音樂錄影帶自1960年代中期興起,是以短片來展現樂曲、提高演唱者的知名度以促進銷售的廣告策略。多數音樂錄影帶請藝人做同步對嘴,但也有些罕見例子以繽紛的動畫文字搭配音樂將書寫轉譯為視聽。舞動的字形不只複製歌詞,同時是帶有媒體理論、比較性和認知意涵的視覺構圖。 Music Videos – Dancing Types
Since the mid-1960s, the… 更多 music industry has increasingly staged musical compositions in short film productions to promote the songs, to increase the popularity of the performer and to support sales. Most music videos present with lip-sync-performances, while some rare examples use colorfully designed, animated text set to music plays a predominant role, and transform writing in a process of audiovisual translation. The dancing types not only the duplication of lyrics, but viewed as “typemotion” with mediatheoretical, comparative, and cognition-psychological implications
李文政 Wen-Cheng Lee
台17 Route 17
台灣 Taiwan
3分27秒03:27min 、機器人裝置 170 x 150 x 70 cm installation
  • 臺中市西區區公所
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