National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年4月25日下午5:31 · 【形‧動國際文字影像展】前衛電視… 更多
在文化史上,電視的問世首次讓人能跨越人口藩籬而和所有其他社群溝通。1960和1970年代具歷史性的達達運動或福魯克薩斯(Fluxus)運動已經呼籲跨越藝術和生活界線,但大眾傳媒證明是無法做到這一點的。於是一些藝術家、導演嘗試以藝術電影、錄像製作回應電視節目,並創造屬於自己的節目。為了促使觀眾脫離被動觀者的角色,他們結合了書寫跟沒有脈絡的現成影片,或單獨以書寫作為畫面內容色。藝術性的電視製作被納入每天的電視節目表,但也以未預告的插入、介入電視的型態顯現。 TV Avant-garde
The introduction of television allowed communication with all social groups across demographic boundaries for the first time in cultural history. The historical Dada movement or the Fluxus movement of the 1960/70s raised the issue that mass medium proved unable to transgress the boundaries between art and life; but TV did not venture beyond this boundaries in the early 1970s. Artists and video productions attempted to counter TV with artistic film and making their own television. To push viewers out of their role as passive spectators, they combine writing with decontextualized footage, or writing alone is featured as image content. Artistic TV productions are integrated into regular TV broadcasting schedules, but also appear as unannounced interruptions, as TV interventions. 句子 Sentence
美國 USA
2分鐘 2 min.