National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年4月20日下午7:10 · 【形‧動國際文字影像展】結構電影
「結構電影」的概念,源自像是給一個時間架構、攝影機的移動或一系列蒙太奇的片段等載體物質的因素。從結構派導演的一些文字影像中,發現它們有種極度自我反省的性格;他們分析影片和書寫媒體的感知情況,並透過這些媒體連結,以不同的方式回應「電影中的書寫是否成為電影?」這個問題。 Structural Film
Structural Films (or refer as Strukturelle… 更多 Filme in Germany from the mid-1960s on) are based on concepts derived from the parameters of the carrier material – such as the structuring of time, camera movement, or serial montage sequences. Given their highly self-reflective character, structural films directors analyze the conditions of perception in the media of film and writing and, through the connection of these media, offer different responses to the question “does writing in film become film?” 電視傳訊 Teletext
德國 Germany
13 分鐘 13 min.
黑白,有聲 b/w, sound