National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 與 Diewox Diewox Diewox 和 Diewox Diewox Diewox2015年4月13日下午6:43 · 【形‧動國際文字影像展】 閃爍
閃爍效果是提供特別的切入方式,讓電影顯現成物質、影片。而閃爍電影專指細長的影帶,機械性地傳輸分立單一的影像,讓影像之間實際上的分離可以被看出,並呈現成視覺閃光或影像閃爍。閃爍影片縮減感知範圍中的主要樣態,這種縮減的感知範圍透過「閃爍」模式,讓書寫變成無法辨識的結構,而觀眾可以辨識影片中的書寫,並從一個個的字、一個個的影像,讓人看出這是由分立畫面構成片段的電影。 Flicker
The… 更多 flicker effect offers an especially well-suited approach to make film visible as material, as film. The designation flicker refers explicitly to film as strip, which mechanical transport of separate, single images makes the latter’s actual detachment recognizable as the visual shimmering or flickering of the images (flicker). Flicker films do not conceal this genuine filmic modality, but render it the dominant figure within a reduced perceptual range. Such phenomenon consists of writing that is illegible through the flicker mode. It is recognizable as writing and thus, letter for letter, image for image, renders the film viewable as film, as material, as sequence of distinct images. 迪特瑞希‧羅特 Di(e)ter Rot(h)
字母 Letter
丹麥/冰島 Denmark/Iceland
黑白,無聲 b/w, silent