國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年3月4日上午11:10 · 年年有餘—畫魚名品特展【清 丁觀鵬 太平春市圖 卷】(陳列室:202)
Current Exhibit【New Year’s Market at a Time of Peace】(Gallery: 202)
Angling for Years of Plenty: A Special Exhibition of Paintings with Fish
日期(Dates):2015/01/01~2015/03/25… 更多
Ding Guanpeng (fl. 18th c.), Qing dynasty
Handscroll, ink and colors on silk, 30.3 x 233.6 cm
看全圖(full image):http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh104/anglingforyears/en/photo05.html
Ding Guanpeng, a native of Shuntian (modern Beijing), entered the court in 1726 under the Yongzheng Emperor and became a… 更多