National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 與 Diewox Diewox Diewox 。2015年2月23日下午6:48 · 羅蘭珊流亡西班牙期間結識了來自日本的詩人暨譯作家堀口大學,兩人甚是投緣。透過堀口的翻譯與引進,羅蘭珊的作品不但傳入日本,其代表詩作《鎮痛劑》更在日本家喻戶曉。而後日本企業家高野降宏邂逅羅蘭珊作品後對其驚為天人,1983年在日本創立世界唯一的瑪莉‧羅蘭珊美術館;該館在羅蘭珊作品的典藏與研究上地位超然。透過不同視野閱讀羅蘭珊的藝術,竟能發現她的優雅風格超越時空與日本古典文學的美學相通。
Laurencin met… 更多 Daigaku Horiguchi, a poet as well as a literature translator, in Spain. Horiguchi brought her poetries to Japan and one of her works “Le Calmant” became widely known in Japan. The Japanese people found a link between Laurencin’s distinctive elegant and sophisticated expressions of the emotions and sensuality and the “lyricism” in classical Japanese literature. Art lover Masahiro Takano established world’s only Marie Laurencin Museum in Japan in 1983, which makes Japan a special place for the art of Marie Laurencin in both collects and researches.
「唯美‧巴黎 羅蘭珊畫展」展期倒數中!
“Marie Laurencin” in NTMoFA Gallery 101 until March 01, 2015
三個年輕女子 Trois jenues femmes
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
97 x 130.3 cm