National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年2月16日下午6:30 · 羅蘭珊在1954年收養了管家蘇珊娜‧莫侯,兩人像母女般在羅蘭珊親手布置的「城堡」裡共同生活。羅蘭珊晚年經歷第二次世界大戰的動盪,與住宅被強佔的打擊,但在蘇珊娜的陪伴下,羅蘭珊持續創作,將一切美好留在畫布上。畫中的她永遠年輕,將所有感情與回憶,帶入詩般的夢境。
Laurencin adopted her housekeeper Suzanne Moreau as her daughter in 1954, and… 更多 they lived in Laurencin’s “castle” together like the reminiscent of Laurencin’s childhood days with her mother. Suzanne accompanied Laurencin through the second World War, and faced the sorrow of losing her mansion. With the support of Suzanne, Laurencin continued to paint, in which she remain young in the paintings like rose girls.
永遠的玫瑰少女 Fillette à la rose
彩色石版畫 Lithographic en couleurs
32 x 24.5 cm