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【數位臺灣書院】 冬至到了,快去吃一碗熱呼呼的湯圓吧!
Winter Solstice has arrived, it's time for a bowl of rice ball soup! 你知道冬至吃的湯圓與元宵節的湯圓有什麼不同嗎? Do you know what's the difference between the rice balls for Winter Solstice and the ones we have during Lantern Festival? 冬至的湯圓,是先做好湯糰,再將餡料包入湯糰中捏成圓形。而元宵節吃的湯圓,又稱做元宵,是先將餡料切成丁狀,再放入篩子中滾一滾,讓餡料裹上一層厚厚的糯米粉。 The Winter Solstice rice… 更多 balls: first make the flour dough, then roll the stuffing in the dough and shape it into small balls.
Or dice the stuffing before you roll them over the sifter so the glutinous rice flour could coat the balls evenly. Now you have the rice balls for Lantern Festival, also known literally as "Yuan Xiao". 分得出來有什麼不一樣嗎?趕快到數位臺灣書院複習一下吧!
Can you tell the difference? Go over them at Taiwan Academy again! ↓↓第九十七課:歡樂在元宵↓↓
Lesson 97: The Joy of The Lantern Festival