National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年1月26日下午6:52 · 「瘋狂年代」瓦解了既有社會體系,讓女性有參與時代的契機,也讓羅蘭珊的職涯攀上另一個巔峰。回到巴黎的羅蘭珊以一幅為伯爵夫人繪製的肖像畫在巴黎社交圈造成轟動,擁有一幅她畫的肖像畫蔚為流行。但羅蘭珊筆下肖像著重在當下想表現的人物特色,而非畫中主角與本人的相似度,也因此有多次被委託者退畫之例;最有名的例子是香奈兒的退畫事件。
The collapse of existed society led the chance… 更多 for female to participate; Laurencin also established great business in her career. Laurencin paint a portrait for Baroness Gourgand, which marked the beginning of her popularity in Paris that to own a portrait by Laurencin became a trend. Even Laurencin became a popular society portrait painter, she often applied her personal perspective to her works instead of represent her “model” completely. This caused several rejections of her works and perhaps the most famous case was Coco Chanel’s case.
Portrait de fantaisie de la comtesse Etienne de Beaumont
約 Vers 1928-29
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
229.9 x 130 cm