National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年1月19日下午7:00 · 第一次世界大戰的結束帶來了顛覆傳統美學的「瘋狂年代」;這時的巴黎流行俏麗短髮、穿著俐落、獨立自主的女性。羅蘭珊在1921年與丈夫離婚、重返巴黎,她非常喜歡這個溫柔與強悍相融的時代。對比流亡時期的陰鬱色彩,這個時期的作品風格歡快,大量出現在綠色樹林中玩耍的年輕女孩,表現出當代自由開放的風氣。
The end of First World War led the period known as “The years… 更多 of Madness”, in which people refer to different aesthetics from traditional concepts that independent females with short hair and dressed in pants became the fashion. Laurencin was fond in the new era after divorced with her husband and returned to Paris in 1921. As the contrast to the works from the exile years, her new works appeared a different motif with young girls playing in the green woods, which represented the cultural and social state of postwar Paris.
城堡生活 La vie au chateau
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
114.7 x 162.3 cm