【趣味】How to Make a Christmas Tree Pop up Card (Robert Sabuda Method) 聖誕節即將來臨,但是,你有多久沒有親自動手寫聖誕卡片了呢?手寫卡片能夠讓對方感受到誠意,如果又是自己親手做的卡片,感受到的誠意更是加倍。現在就來動手做一張立體聖誕卡片吧! 網址:
How to Make a Christmas Tree Pop up Card (Robert Sabuda Method)
One of the first things that herald in the Christmas season is greeting cards. Here's how to make your own pop-up Christmas tree card to send to family members and friends. Print out the full size image on a heavy paper, like card stock or...