國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2015年1月15日上午6:35 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【漢 鎏金博山樽】(陳列室:307)
Permanent Exhibit-【Zun wine vessel in Bosan mountain shape】(Gallery: 307)
Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.- 220 B.C.E.), Height:19.6cm (amalgam-gilt)… 更多
The name of this kind of conical-shaped container with a lid can be ascertained from illustrated tiles and bricks as well as a similar vessel inscribed as a “‘warm’ wine ‘zun’” excavated in 1962. The short legs on the bottom of the vessel previously led people to believe it was placed on a fire for warming. Research, however, shows it is actually a container for keeping “fermented wine.” Actually, the Chinese character for “warm” is interchangeable with “brew,” which was a process of repeatedly fermenting an alcoholic beverage similar to the making of sorghum liquor today. By distilling it to form a clear and strong spirit, it actually is suitable for drinking cold and not hot.