National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年1月12日下午7:11 · 羅蘭珊並非唯一在第一次世界大戰期間到西班牙避難的藝術家,但與昔日好友重聚並無法彌補丈夫的疏離。鬱鬱寡歡的羅蘭珊靠著與密友妮可‧葛胡特的魚雁往返抒發心情,妮可還幾度越過庇里牛斯山,甚至讓她任女兒的教母以爭取回巴黎探視的機會。羅蘭珊將完成於1920年的作品〈小船〉寄給妮可時,提到「小船上的兩個名女子,就是你和我」,顯示戰爭時期妮可的遠距離陪伴與探訪,是她流亡時期的精神支柱。
The World War brought… 更多 many artists to Spain. Laurencin was able to gather with her old friends but the reunion was not a remedy for the estrangements of her husband. She relied on the letters from Nicole Poiret-Groult to console herself. Nicole also visited her several times and had Laurencin to be the Godmother of her daughter so Laurencin was able to visit Paris. Laurencin painted “La Barque“, with two ladies symbolized herself and Nicole, indicated that Nicole was her support during those years.
小船 La Barque
約 1920 vers 1920
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
71.8 x 90 cm