國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年1月10日上午9:17 · 年年有餘—畫魚名品特展【(傳) 宋 劉寀 群魚戲荇 (局部)卷】(陳列室:212)
Current Exhibit【School of Fish Frolicking Among Water Plants (part)】(Gallery: 212)
Angling for Years of Plenty: A Special Exhibition of Paintings with Fish… 更多
Attributed to Liu Cai (fl. ca. 11th c.), Song dynasty
Handscroll, ink and colors on silk, 29.7 x 231.7 cm
This painting is unsigned, but a front section of silk on the mounting features an inscription that reads, “‘School of Fish Frolicking Among Water Plants’ by Liu Cai of the… 更多