National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2015年1月5日下午6:51 · 流亡西班牙時期的羅蘭珊在她的畫作裡加入比以往更多的「配件」抒發心情。她經常以「馬」自喻,也常常在在畫作裡加入小狗、小貓、牝鹿等小動物,畫作中常常出現一把吉他,是阿波里內爾的母親昔日所贈。她也讓畫作中的人物配戴飾物,其中格子圖案是羅蘭珊「坐困愁城」的象徵。
During her exile in Spain, Laurencin’s paintings came to show deeper colors and… 更多 motifs symbols to reflect the pain of separation from her country and friends. She often used horse to imply herself; small animals like dogs, cats, and deer also appear in her paintings. A guitar also appeared in many works; it is a gift from Apollinarie’s mother. She painted more accessories for the figures during this period, among which window bars and checker patterns and curtains are the symbolic of captivity.
舞蹈 La Danse
畫布與油彩 Huile sur toile
146.8 x 92.5 cm