National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月29日下午6:54 · 羅蘭珊與阿波里內爾分手後結識了品味高尚、喜愛藝術的德國男爵沃特仁,很快地便結婚,並成為德國籍。但就在兩人至西班牙蜜月期間,歐洲爆發了第一次世界大戰。羅蘭珊無法回法國、也不願去德國,只好流亡中立國西班牙,但西班牙政府卻懷疑他們是否德國間諜。種種不快讓德國男爵很快地變成耽溺美色的酒鬼,從巴黎還傳來阿波里內爾死亡的音訊。羅蘭珊把自己的不安與低潮轉換成創作能量,在流亡期間創造許多膾炙人口的畫作與詩作。
Laurencin… 更多 met German-born Baron Otto von Waëtjen after she broke up with Apollinaire and soon got married. During their honeymoon in Spain, World War I broke out and the newly married couple was forced to exile in Spain. Life there remain struggle in Spain; the continuously investigation made Baron alcohol addicted that almost marked the end between them. In a worsen matter, Laurencin received the news about Apollinarie’s death at this time. In order to rescue from all the unpleasant experience, she transformed all negative mind into arts.
被囚禁的女人 II La prisonniere (II)
紙板與油彩 Huile sur carton
22.9 x 13 cm